Ward Panels

A ward panel is a group of community members and partner agencies that meets with a representative of the SNT at least every 3 months to set local SNT ward priorities and hold the SNT to account for issues affecting the community.

They feed information and emerging issues directly to local police officers (as well as council representatives who often attend), helping to shape and deliver local priorities. Ward panel decisions must be evidence-based and inform, influence and involve both the community and police officers as part of a continuous cycle of feedback, review and action.

Ward panels provide a key local accountability mechanism for the police and allow scrutiny of policing at a local level. They are an important mechanism for the police to obtain the views of the community about crime and disorder in a neighbourhood and for police to provide information on policing to communities.

If you are interested in getting involved with your local Ward Panel in Lewisham then please email Lewisham.SNB@gmail.com asking for further information.

Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch is about people getting together with their neighbours to take action to reduce crime.

They’re community initiatives owned and run by their members which are supported by the police but not owned by them, although they are sometimes involved.

They work by developing a close relationship between community members and the local police.

Neighbourhood Watch schemes can:


Lewisham Council encourages Neighbourhood Watch schemes and local information can be found here. They can give you advice and support on setting up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme, as well as advice on preventing scams or support if you have been the victim of a scam.

Lewisham Council – Neighbourhood watch and help preventing scams