WE ARE LOOKING FOR NEW BOARD MEMBERS! Safer Neighbourhood Board Annual General Meeting (Tuesday 26th September 2023, 7pm at the Civic Suite in Lewisham)
This is a reminder that on Tuesday 26th September 2023 at 7pm, the Lewisham Safer Neighbourhood Board (SNB) will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM). The SNB is an independent forum made up of volunteers where communities can meet the Police, Local Authority and other partners, to discuss local Policing and other aspects of Community Safety.
There are three positions available to join the Board as a Community Member, all for a 3 year term. There is also an additional role for a Neighbourhood Watch Co-Ordinator. Applications are open until Tuesday 5th September 2023, 5pm. Please find below a nomination form if you wish to apply to join the board.
To stand we request that you are a representative of a Group on the Register of Affiliated Groups. If you are not a representative of a Group on the register of Affiliated Groups but would like to join the SNB you can submit your application to register your Group via this link:
Contact us to submit your group as an affiliate.
If you are a member of a Safer Neighbourhood ward panel / Neighbourhood Watch, you are also welcome to apply to join the SNB.
Your application must be completed and returned to lewishamsnboard@gmail.com by Tuesday 5th September 2023, 5pm. Please remember to include your statement of up to 200 words.
Please see the Agenda for the next AGM and the Minutes of last AGM attached below.