The first to know about news, local events and more.
To make more efficient use of resources to deliver value for money
when tackling issues of local concern and crime prevention.
Providing an environment to share views and giving Lewisham residents a greater voice with regards to policing, crime and community safety.

Our Meetings
The Board meets four times a year in the Civic Suite at Lewisham Town Hall on Tuesday evenings, starting at 7pm and finishing by 9pm. Each meeting has a guest speaker, who gives a presentation […]

How to get involved
Community Groups The SNB welcomes affiliations from any formally constituted group or organisation that is based in or whose membership covers the Borough of Lewisham […]

Special Interest Areas
Search Monitoring Group meets four times a year. We also have a panel of 18 Independent Youth Advisors with a keen interest in Stop and Search. […]

About the Lewisham SNB
The Lewisham Safer Neighbourhood Board (SNB) is an independent forum where communities can meet the police, local authority and other partners, to discuss local policing and other aspects of community safety. The group has representation on London wide bodies and the Safer Lewisham Partnership, which is the Council’s Community Safety Partnership. SNB Officers have regular meetings with the Borough Commander and are contacted when serious incidents take place.

Keeping yourself &
loved ones safe
We support individuals and groups to create safer, stronger and active communities. We believe in a caring society that is focused on trust and respect, in which people are safe from crime and enjoy a good quality of life. We help people feel less afraid, vulnerable or isolated in the place where they live.
Latest News
Why not stay up to date with the latest news in and around Lewisham?

Local Policing

Crime Prevention

Community Safety
How to contact the SNB
Lewisham Safer Neighbourhood Board
c/o 2nd Floor, Civic Suite
Lewisham Town Hall,
Catford, London, SE6 4RU
Follow and comment online:
via Twitter @LewishamSNBoard
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or by joining the Facebook group